the world
{hands out reached hungry with curiosity the second age begins}
exert from book of beginnings chapter 2
{hands out reached hungry with curiosity the second age begins}
exert from book of beginnings chapter 2
so … I lost my new job after training they decided not to keep me which sucks I’m now trying to look for work now but funds are low i got big bills to pay and now i can not so yay
now I am switching over from comic easel to webcomic for the websites so plz bear with me as i edit the site you wont be abill to read or navigate the site well till its complete but by the end of it longtailarts should have a bit more personality if u would like to help me fund for this website and keep the lights on donate and subscribe to my patreon
Hi everyone as you all know i have been inactive and the comic is on hiatus
Well because of my current financial situation the renewal for the website has come up and I managed to pay it but it’s now on a month to month renewal basis instead of a year to year one I hope to eventually reconcile when this new job I have recently acquired finally allows me to take the test I need to get my license to do said job and I can start getting back to focusing on my commissions and
hybrids the web comic
Which I plan to have the start of chapter 1 coming soon pending the release of the new animation and the official release of my patreon which I will like to encourage you all to contribute to as there will be now new posting schedules for my artwork everything I post will be posted on patreon for the first month and then move to all my other social media
And soon I plan to create a Discord Channel I will also be posting the link to my patreon though there is nothing on it now I will start hopefully adding content to it within the next month and of course even though it’s not required any and all donations are greatly appreciated
I would like to take this time and thank you all for the generous support you have given me through the years and for my friends for encouraging me to become a commission artist if it wasn’t for you guys hybrids would never have gotten off the ground
Hey guys it’s me sorry for no posting the last couple of weeks and it’s been stressful I’ve been out of work drama with family and then my health was in Decline dealing with my dads unexpected cancer but that has not meant that I have not been working on the comic have in fact completed all pages for the prologue and it will be posted tomorrow following a planed Hiatus as I finish getting the website ready setting up a few things and get ready for the five page release of the first chapter after the new year I haven’t sat on a date yet but I will make another post letting you know when
happy holidays and a happy new year
last week work was a biiiiiiiii#$#%$# and at home was no picnic either then i got sick and was bed ridden for the weekend and was unable to post till to day how ever my drawing tablet is on its last leg i order a new one much bitching from my family how worthless a purches it was well either way i got it in the mail and as i was setting up my new art pro 12 i realized my computer dose not have a HDMI plug in so yay for getting a refurbished dell windows desktop computer for 100$ and not needing the one thing i need to get back to what i love but i was able to find an adapter online but cant afford it for at least 2 weeks yayyy so long story short ill try to post updates to the website art and the comic if my old tablet still wants to work with me
any way enjoy the first 3 pages of hybrids